Mount Kimbie


“The fact that it’s even becoming a conversation – ‘why do we have to call this anything? It’s all music, y’know’ – it’s quite hippy-ish in a way. But it’s just exciting to be a part of that.”

Listen to the full interview at Field Day on

Elan Tamara


“The way things are, I think so many more people – not just in music but in everything – are going to be, ‘look, I’m going to do my own thing because you’re just going to fire me from the council or my job with the NHS, shut down my department or whatever’. I think that it’s time that people just starting doing what they really wanted to do because there’s no guarantee that you’ll get a job. I think you just have to go with your gut instinct.”

Read the full interview at

Smith Westerns


“The scene in Chicago is like the best example of how trying to be creative actually just kills you. It’s like eating too much vitamin C and dying from it. It’s like all these kids who are like ‘we’re so open to learning and making music and putting visual effects over it’. It’s the biggest cluster-fuck, pseudo-assholes.”

Read the full interview at



“Yeah, it’s funny with clubs. It’s a grown-up playground where people just let everything hang out and get stupid drunk. It’s where you let your emotions out if you’re happy or unhappy, sad or in love – whatever it is, it tends to come out when you go out. I think it’s an important place for our generation; it has a role in our everyday lives that you could almost compare to a church.”

Read the full interview at



“There’s this way that we’re all expected to be and it’s actually quite arbitrary when you think about it. There are things that I didn’t dare do when I was younger, like I wouldn’t want to make a noise like that. It felt embarrassing. But then I think that we spend so much of our lives being embarrassed about absolutely nothing.”

Read the full interview at

Friendly Fires


“Why we have a lot of people dancing at our shows, a great deal of that is because we’re dancing so much. If the band’s not being self-conscious then the crowd give less of a shit as well. It’s kind of nice, looking out at the audience and seeing people freak out.”

Read the full interview at



“That feels like quite a long time ago, like a distant dream in a way. It was great, we made an album when we were 15 but obviously you change between the ages of 15 and 19.”

Read the full interview at

Othello Woolf


“He missed being Victorian by about 10 minutes. Queen Victoria died and he was born 10 minutes later. He wore a tailored suit every single day. Even when he went blind, he’d still be immaculately dressed with a three-piece suit and a pocket watch.”

Read the full interview at



“It’s yin and yang – there’s a balance. There’s pop lightness but a raw undercurrent. Melody and abstract, light and dark side.”

Read the full interview at

Primary 1


“When people say ‘I just do pop music’ what they mean is ‘I want to write really great songs’ but that’s nothing to do with pop music. It’s just really great songs. You can do it in whatever genre.”

Read the full interview at